Devan Stahl, PhD
Assistant Professor of Religion
Saint Louis University, PhD
Vanderbilt Divinity School, MDiv
University of Virginia, BA
Devan Stahl joined the Religion department at Baylor in the fall of 2019 after four years as an Assistant Professor of Clinical Ethics at Michigan State University. She has experience teaching bioethics and medical humanities to undergraduates, medical students and residents, nursing students, and veterinary students. She has also worked as a clinical ethicist in tertiary hospitals and has trained as a hospital chaplain.
Dr. Stahl’s latest book, Imaging and Imagining Illness: Becoming Whole in a Broken Body is an edited volume examining the power of medical images and their impact on patients and the wider culture.
Academic Interests and Research
Medicine and the visual arts, theological bioethics, disability studies, beginning and end of life issues.
Professional Awards/Activities/Grants and Fellowships
-Jean Vanier Emerging Scholar Award, 2018
-Building Healthcare Collectives Fellow, 2019
-Issachar Grant, "Bioenhancement Technologies and the Vulnerable Body,” PI, 2019
-Science and Society at State Grant, "The Capacity Necessary to Designate a Surrogate”, 2019
-Kagan Scholarship, “Building Skills for End-of-Life Discussions in the Intensive Care Unit, 2018
Edited Volumes
Imaging and Imagining Illness: Becoming Whole in a Broken Body, 2018. Ed. D. Stahl, Eugene OR, Cascade Books.
The Body and Ultimate Concern: Reflections on an Embodied Theology of Paul Tillich. 2018. Ed. Pryor A. and Stahl D, Macon, GA: Mercer University Press.
Selected Research Articles
-Stahl, D. (2018) “Patient Reflections on the Disenchantment of Techno-Medicine,” Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 39 (6): 499-513.
-Stahl, D. and Banja, J. (2018). “The Persisting Problem of Precedent Autonomy among Persons in a Minimally Conscious State: The Limitations of Philosophical Analysis and Clinical Assessment,” AJOB Neuroscience 9 (2): 120-127. (Target Article)
-Stahl, D. and Vercler, CJ. (2018). “What Should be the Surgeon’s Role in Defining ‘Normal’ Genital Appearance.” AMA Journal of Ethics 20(4): 384-391.
-Stahl, D. and J. F. Kilner. (2017). “The Image of God, Bioethics, and Persons with Profound Intellectual Disabilities,” Journal of the Christian Institute on Disability 6 (1-2): 19-40.
-Stahl, D., Cabrera L, Gibb, T. (2017). “Should DBS for Psychiatric Disorders Be Considered a Form of Psychosurgery? Ethical and Legal Considerations,” Science and Engineering Ethics. 24(4): 1119-1142.
-Stahl, D. and Tomlinson, T. (2017). “Is There a Right Not to Know?” Nature Review Clinical Oncology, 14: 259-260.
-Stahl, D. and Stahl, D.G. (2017). “Caretaking Through Art: A Sibling Story,” Journal of Medical Humanities 38 (1): 77-78.
Stahl, D. and D.G. Stahl. (2016). “Seeing Illness in Art and Medicine: A Patient and Printmaker Collaboration,” Medical Humanities, 42 (3): 155-159.
-Stahl, D. (2015). “Moral Evaluations of Genetic Technologies: The Need for Catholic Social Doctrine,” National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, 15 (3): 477-489.
-Stahl, D. (2015). “A Christian Ontology of Genetic Disease and Disorder,” Journal of Disability and Religion, 19 (2): 119-145.
-Stahl, D. (2014). “In Defense of Paul Tillich: Toward a Liberal Protestant Bioethics,” Christian Bioethics, 20 (2): 260-271.
Courses Taught at Baylor
REL 4395 Bioethics